Kimura Rin

Plays a lot of games
All that good stuff!

~When I woke up the next day, I was in the same room that I was in the night before, but the view of my window changed dramatically. According to my "new" window view, it was clear as day, I was able to see the sky clearly without any big buildings preventing it. This was the first giveaway that I wasn't in Astriger anymore. "What the hell..", I thought to myself while searching for my phone. When I found it, it didn't had any signal or anything. The contacts list was clear, as well. "I'm still dreaming, right?" was the only logical explanation for this, so I tried to pinch myself over and over and over again, until I see some little blood specs on my fingers and my arm. I was in the brink of crying, the deep breaths that I took were the only thing that was keeping my from losing it completely. I looked around to see any kind of hint or something to make sense out of, I didn't see any. So I decided to step outside to find something about my whereabouts.When I stepped outside, I saw a lady, she seemed old, which was the second giveaway. People didn't age there, everyone looked like the age they drank the elixir. "Excuse me", I said while walking towards her. "Oh my, Rin, what a nice surprise to see you early! You're going to the studio?" she asked, making me dumbfounded even more. She knew me, she knew my name, my job. Who is she? I had two choices now, either ask her about our place or act. Choosing the latter, "Yeah, they gave me a call, apparently I'm needed again!" I said to her, trying to hide my curiosity mixed with fear. "Oh, that's good! You know how to get to the studio, right? You seem a little out of space. Did you not sleep last night? You were playing video games again? I heard you talking and laughing", she was onto me. "Fuck", I thought and said "Yeah, I was up all night, so getting the phone call from the agency was really bad timing" and laughed a little at the end, so to reduce her suspicions, if there were any. I falsely checked my phone and continued lying that I was late. She smiled and sent me on my way. "Talking to whom? There was no sign of I was sharing the home with someone."The studio I was supposed to work was apparently in this tall building. I went to the front desk and people knew me, again, they greeted me with warm smiles on their face, repeating my name a few times during our small talk, before asking for my ID badge. "I think I lost it", I said to him, "Is it possible for me to go to the studio?". "Sure, we all know you anyways, but we have to get you a replacement in a few days, we'll let you know with a message. Is the number same?", he asked. I confirmed, without even noticing and he let me walk to the elevators. "Who are these people? Why do they know me?"The studio was also the same. People did recognise me, one of the workers handed me the script even, pointing the lines that I was supposed to say. "No one suspects anything about me. How? Why?", these questions kept me busy enough to go through the recording. They were all satisfied with my performance, as it seems, that there was only one double take, due to some sort of equipment malfunction. They thanked me for my performance and asked me to drop by the same time next week. I quietly left the building and tried to find my way home.When I arrived home, it was already dark and I was getting peckish. I decided to cook something, earlier today I saw some stuff to cook while looking for clues. The ingredients were pretty similar to what I was having in my homeland, so I whipped out something to eat and decided to turn the computer on. The stuff I saw on the screen were quite interesting. So many games that I didn't hear about before, there were some cute boys' photos(didn't look like real life people) set as wallpaper. "Oh whoever this person is, they have taste", I said while having a giggle. There was a text document on the desktop, titled "To Rin". I clicked it and while I was reading it, the world's most anguishing headache started, along with the sense of disassociation. It almost felt like time has slowed down to the point of stopping.It was familiar, the words I was reading. I was also familiar this pain. I somewhat understood what the message was about, especially what those marked words mean. It was about me. My life. My real life."Rin,If you're reading this, it means that our efforts to bring you back were successful. Lunaris will regain its power once again! Caelistis will finally reappear with its leader. I will provide you with more details each and every day, little by little, fear not. But until that day arrives, where you fully regain who you were, do not do anything suspicious. Lie your way if you have to, like you did today.Soon, you'll regain every memory that you have lost over these 400 years. This isn't you. This is some version of "Rin" who shouldn't have exist. It's not real. It's "man-made".I know, my words don't make the tiniest of sense. But like I said, please, be patient. I'll provide you with details via this computer. While you're at it, check the stuff on this computer, you missed a lot while you weren't here.I'll meet you soon, my beloved. Until that day comes, please, keep yourself safe. I cannot lose you again.I'll be watching you from the sky."Taking deep breaths, I calmed this cursed headache over the next few minutes. "What do you mean '400 years'? 'My beloved'? I need more answers", I thought loudly, "I need them fast".


Between November 25-27, I'll be having my first ever Subathon on Twitch!These are the current goal rewards that we have. More to come? Possibly!

Down below, you can find the goals!

- First day's stream, Nov 25, will last for 6 hours!
- Second day's stream, Nov 26, will last for 8 hours!
- Final day's stream, Nov 27, will last for 12 hours!

The goals will be cumulative and will carry over to the next day.

For every $10 donation on Throne, I'll gift 2 subs to chat!
(These will not count towards the goals.)